Read Your Prophetic Word...

I hear the Lord saying that this is a time in which you must stand firm against many things coming your way. Below are three (3) things God began to show me…

1. Firstly, God says to be careful in the area of communication. This is a time in which miscommunication can cause both confusion, and frustration to surround you. We are in the final weeks of 2020 and the enemy is looking to stop you from moving forward… If you see that you or someone else is not understanding something clearly, or there is much arguing happening around you, stay at peace and know that this is an attack of the enemy. In order to delay you, the enemy will try to cause confusion and frustration around you.

2. Secondly, God says to be watchful in the area of your emotions. The words of the enemy may seep into family matters to create chaos… We must cut this off, before it breeds more chaos in your life! Speak over your life right now:
“Any words that the enemy is speaking against my family, I cut it off now and send it back to the enemy, In Jesus’ Name… Amen!”

3. Lastly, God says to get ready because this is a season of expansion. 2021 will be a year of newness and growth for you… For I am pushing you to the next level saith the Lord. I am pushing you to elevate and I am pushing you to prosper, for I the Lord, am expanding you greatly in this season! As you let go of what you see, and walk by faith, watch the miracles that begin to happen in your life, saith the Lord!

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